
Alejandro Bollati


Alejandro, whilst studying, lived and worked in Argentina, Canada, Mexico and the U.S.A., winning the ELAP and Santander Río scholarships . After graduating twice in both Argentina and Mexico as an Architect, he went on to study and complete a Master of Management in Construction at the Pontifica Universidad Catolica in Santiago, Chile.

Since beginning his studies as an Architect, Alejandro has shown a strong flare for problem solving and design in Architecture. For his final thesis he proposed this idea in his Social Architectural Space at the borderline between Mexico and U.S.A .

After more than 5 years working as an Architect, Alejandro has experience in many companies across America and Europe, bringing an edgy side to his Architectural designs. Currently he is working as an Architectural Designer for CW O’Brian Architects, and has many plans for new developments in Ireland.